Beginning an Impactful  Adventure with NELGA

“In reflecting on my journey, I recognize that my internship was not just a learning experience, it was a steppingstone toward a successful career.”

– Gisberta Sheimi

In 2023, I will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in business and information administration from Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). NUST is a prominent hub for the Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA), which is managed by the African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) with the support of the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ).

During this year, it was time to apply for a Work Integrated Learning (WIL). It seemed like everyone else had their futures all figured out, while I still felt incredibly lost. Nevertheless, I reminded myself that the final year of my studies was meant for gaining work experience and understanding what career path to choose afterward. So, I decided to apply for an internship, and fortunately, I was accepted as an administrative assistant at NELGA.

During my professional journey, I embarked on a transformative office administration internship that not only honed my skills but propelled me into a realm of success I hadn’t imagined.

From the beginning, I saw the potential for growth and learning and seized every opportunity to make a lasting impact. Under the amazing mentorship of Mr. Muduva, I performed various office tasks and learned a great deal from him. He was instrumental in my professional and personal growth.

I also participated in GIZ service day, including activities such as painting the Katutura state hospital, an incredible and enjoyable experience. One of the most exciting chapters involved a unique opportunity to travel abroad for a workshop on a Multistakeholder Dialogue on the Labour Market for Graduates in the field of Land Governance in Botswana, where I assisted in organizing the event. Although I was nervous about it being my first trip abroad for work, I was also excited for the opportunity.

This experience not only broadened my horizons but also allowed me to showcase my organizational skills on a global stage.

In reflecting on my journey, I recognize that my internship was not just a learning experience, it was a steppingstone toward a successful career. The combination of business administration expertise enhanced interpersonal skills, and international exposure opportunities has shaped me into a dynamic and effective office administrator.