Author: saront
University of Yaoundé 1 Launch Review of its Curriculum on Land Tenure and Management
From April 12 – 15, under the chairmanship of Prof. Tchawa, Coordinator of the NELGA network on land governance for Central Africa, and with the financial support of NELGA through DAAD, the University of Yaounde 1 launched several review topics on land tenure for its existing Master’s program on Land Governance at the school. Content and courses reviewed include, cartography, information system and remote sensing applied to the sustainable management of territories.
Nearly 30 experts were gathered from across Cameroon. They discussed and shared their experience to update the curriculum of the Master programme which was originally established in 2009 and not reviewed since.
The review process applied the “Guidelines for the Development of Curricula on Land Governance in Africa†established by the African Land Policy Centre (ALPC). Through a preliminary analysis of the existing curriculum areas of improvement were identified, such as attention to the needs of marginalized groups, and preparing students to analyse conflicts related to land issues. The workshop produced a syllabus of the revised Master curriculum with descriptions of the modules, which will be used in the further progress to implement this updated curriculum.
Prof. Tchawa explained that it was timely and necessary to periodically review courses to ensure it aligns with current issues faced in the land space. He called on the participants to give their best in order to propose specialised content for the course on land management. The workshop documented the revised content for further review by management.
Échange de connaissances NELGA sur la gouvernance foncière en Afrique I Focus- Afrique centrale
NELGA Knowledge Exchange on Land Governance in Africa I Focus- Central Africa
Depuis quelques décennies déjà et ce, à la faveur de la pleine réalisation des objectifs de développement durable, des pays de l’Afrique francophone en général et le Cameroun en particulier se sont lancés dans la réalisation de grands projets (aménagements hydro-électriques, nouvelles villes, diverses infrastructures de communication et de transport d’énergie, etc.). Pour réaliser ces grands projets, les Etats ont besoin de terres. Pour les avoir, les Etats sont parfois obligés de procéder à l’éviction de familles qui occupent des espaces convoités ; ceci passe par divers mécanismes donnant lieu aux indemnisations et aux expropriations le cas échéant.
S’il est vrai que les expropriations pour cause d’utilité publique et les indemnisations qui y sont connexes obéissent à des règles préétablies, leur application n’est pas aussi simple car elles sont susceptibles de redessiner les cartes sociales, d’impacter durablement et parfois négativement des vies et être de ce fait une source de tension et de conflits. Au regard de la pratique qui a cours dans nos différents Etats, quel diagnostic est-il possible de faire de l’ensemble du processus d’expropriation et d’indemnisation ? Quelles solutions si elles étaient appliquées pourraient permettre de rendre ce processus plus crédible dans un contexte où le développement de nos pays demeure impératif ?
Le présent exposé qui sera fait par le Professeur TCHAWA Paul nous aidera à explorer la question de fond en comble et d’analyser ensemble :
- Les différentes facettes de cette réalité dans les pays de l’Afrique francophone avec ses causes et ses conséquences ;
- Les solutions appliquées/envisageables dans un contexte de véritable développement intégré qui prend en compte tous les aspects y compris sociaux ;
- Les bonnes pratiques susceptibles d’améliorer la gouvernance du processus d’expropriations et d’indemnisations en contexte de grands projets ;
- Les pistes à cours et à long termes permettant d’humaniser ce processus (notamment à travers l’identification de (i) meilleurs modèles pour la réinstallation des familles déguerpis et de (ii) réforme de textes) tout en ne compromettant pas les objectifs de développement.
Animé par le professeur Paul Tchawa avec le soutien de l’ALPC et de l’Université de Yaoundé 1, au Cameroun, le NEX fournit une plate-forme d’engagement pour discuter des défis auxquels sont confrontés les pays africains Français face à l’expropriation par l’état des terres sans possibilité d’indemnisation qui déclenche un conflit foncier. Le webinaire vise à identifier les bonnes pratiques et à discuter des solutions possibles pour le développement intégré parmi les parties prenantes et ainsi réduire ce genre d’appropriation.
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Pour toute information ou demande de renseignements, veuillez contacter Bouopda Serge, ou Jennifer Aghaji,

‘Access to Information is Mandatory under Ghana’s New Land Act’ States Paga Customary Land Secretariat, Ghana
The Coordinator of the Paga Customary Land Secretariat in Ghana, Madam Belinda Dantera, has specified that the 2020 Land Act of Ghana makes it mandatory to give out information to the public on requested land transactions. She was unaware that access to information applied to land transactions until she attended NELGA’s sensitization workshop on the 2022 Land Act held on February 2nd, 2022. The NELGA workshop organized by Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology with funding from the German Development Cooperation through the Strengthening Advisory Capacities for Land Governance in Africa (SLGA) programme brought together traditional authorities, coordinators and representatives of selected Customary Land Secretariats on a sensitization workshop on Ghana’s New Land Act (Act 1036) of 2020.
At the workshop, Prof. John Bugri, NELGA’s Project Coordinator for anglophone West Africa, called for a land governance system whereby everybody in the land governance space operates in a transparent and accountable manner to the benefit of the people they serve. This was mainly in reference to Article 267 of the 1992 Constitution and in consideration of the new law, which adds a new criminal dynamic for defaulters to its provisions. Prof. Bugri urged coordinators of Customary Land Secretariats to keep quarterly records of land transactions in their jurisdictions and make these records accessible to their subjects to ensure accountability and transparency in land governance.
Speaking at the workshop, Dr. Elias Kuusaana of Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies emphasized that the 1992 constitution prescribes the framework for compulsory acquisition in Ghana. Still, the National land policy of 1999 requires that compulsory land acquisition is conducted with utmost circumspection. Amidst the persisting challenges, the Land Act 2020 (Act 1036) has come to deal with mandatory acquisition and compensation problems.
The workshop created the much-needed awareness and education on the new land governance regime in the country and improved upon implementing the new land legislation. The participants were encouraged to step down the knowledge gained from the training to their colleagues. This will ensure improved land governance in the country that stands the chance of minimizing land disputes and litigations. Participants were drawn from the Northern, Northeast, Savannah, Upper East and Upper West Regions of Ghana.
To read the full report, click here.
A major factor in achieving socio-economic development is a substantial land governance system that can deliver secured land rights to all segments of society. Unfortunately, having secured land rights is not the experience for many land rights holders in developing countries. In Ghana, many land rights holders and land users experience challenges accessing land. In cases where access is secured, protecting rights to the land remains a challenge. Ghana operates a dual land tenure system. There are the state system and the customary system. The state system administers about 20% of the total land in Ghana, while the customary system, managed by several traditional leaders, administers the remaining 80%. This land tenure arrangement is spelt out in different land legislation, indicating that land users in Ghana could acquire land from either the state or traditional leaders. While traditional leaders have their mandate in land administration defined both in law and custom, their role is limited to granting various rights and interests in the land they oversee. Traditional Leaders do not have the mandate to determine and approve land uses, nor do they manage the registration of rights and interest in land. Those functions are reserved for state agencies to perform. This means that one can negotiate and conclude an agreement for a parcel of land with a traditional leader. However, the state can only grant approval for the type of use and registration of the land. The interlinkages between the functions of the state and those of traditional leaders make it necessary to coordinate land administration services between the two systems. Such coordination would build a stronger land tenure system that delivers secured land rights. Unfortunately, there is limited coordination between the state and the customary land tenure system, resulting in many challenges and threats to land tenure security. The passing of the new Land Act, 2020, ACT 1036, is considered by many, as an opportunity to address the challenges in the land sector in Ghana. This is because the new legislation is believed to contain provisions that address many of the contemporary issues in the land sector and; attempt to establish the needed coordination between the state and the customary systems in promoting sound land governance practices. The passing of the new legislation is indeed a significant milestone in Ghana’s history of land governance. However, having good legislation alone is not enough.

Nancy’s Success Story – NELGA ALUMNI
Nancy Kankam is a 2017 NELGA-DAAD scholarship holder at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). She shares her story on how NELGA support amplified her career goals
“Growing up with four sisters, I had a strong desire to be great in the future”, Nancy recalls, though she wasn’t sure what that entailed. However, she did know that education was the way to greatness, so she took it very seriously. Fortunately, her family also valued education and provided her with the best opportunities possible from elementary to secondary school.
After completing high school, Nancy was unsure what career path she wanted to take. The only thing she was certain of was her aptitude for numbers, which made her want to pursue a degree in business management. However, she had no idea that a watershed moment was on the horizon when she was admitted to Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology’s (KNUST) Department of Planning to pursue a Bachelors of Science (BSc) in Human Settlement Planning. In her first semester of study, Nancy had a moment of regret for taking up the course. This changed during her second semester when she found herself thriving and enjoying her academic programme, especially as the programme exposed her to the design and application of solutions to society’s wicked problems.
After her graduation in 2016, she was awarded a DAAD scholarship through the NELGA programme to further her studies towards an MPhil Planning academic program at KNUST in 2017. She said, “My experience with DAAD and NELGA was fantastic, with ceaseless imprints in my professional life. I had the opportunity to attend the Land Governance Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and to conduct research for five months at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Munich, Germany. The research with TUM on “discourse on Women and Land Tenure in Ghana: Does a Matrilineal Land Tenure System Make a Difference for Women?” 11was recently published as a book chapter in Land Governance and Gender publication. Thanks to the DAAD – NELGA scholarship, I broadened my network and improved my knowledge and skills, particularly in research. “
As she relishes her experience, she also shares how this opportunity has impacted her career, “My bachelor’s degree in Human Settlement Planning, followed by a master’s degree in MPhil planning, formed the basis of my career in the development sector. They provided the foundation for me to conceptualize, design, initiate, implement, and share knowledge, actions, and policy recommendations for sustainable development in West Africa and Africa as a whole. Particularly, the opportunity provided by the DAAD – NELGA scholarship exposed me to topical global and regional issues in the development field and seasoned practitioners and researchers in the field. These experiences have shaped my perspectives and practice.”
Since graduating, Nancy has been working in the non-profit sector. She is keen on promoting research-policy linkages towards solving development problems. She applied lessons from the NELGA-DAAD program in the real-time post-graduation settings. In January 2022, she organized a brainstorm session among land stakeholders and DAAD alumni in Ghana to connect and communicate research to practice through a grant she had applied and secured through DAAD. Nancy hopes to continue working in the development trajectory and be an influencer for a safe, inclusive, and sustainable society.
Land Professionals in Africa To Publish Land Governance Experts Profile Reference Guide
At an extraordinary experts group meeting (EGM) held from February 14 to 17, 2022, in Rabat, Morocco, land governance experts in Africa agreed to publish a book that describes and defines the profile of the Land Governance Expert in Africa. The guide helps identify experts and their needs and strengthens their capacity to meet land governance challenges on the continent.
The meeting was convened by the Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II (IAV II) Morocco with support from AU -UNECA- AfDB African Land Policy Center (ALPC), under the Network of Excellence in Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) programme for North Africa. The EGM, under the theme, Professional Land Actors and Their Contributions To Economic And Social Development, brought together land professionals who highlighted their contributions and other needs towards creating resilient land governance for emerging economies. The EGM grounded their discussion using several Africa Union (AU ) endorsed guidelines. The experts called for the introduction and use of an African Land Tenure Career Reference System (ALTRS) to feature land experts profiles and roles in land governance in Africa.
ALPC Coordinator, Dr Joan Kagwanja, commended IAV for convening this large body of experts as a convergence point to reflect on the profile of land experts in Africa and to build capacity gaps of these land experts in providing technical assistance and support to their respective AU Member States. ALPC has developed several AU endorsed guidelines on what the land industry needs towards economic development. Land experts need to support introducing and using these guidelines through policies and frameworks to ensure responsible land governance in their regions.
Prof. Abdelaziz El Hraiki, Director IAV Hassan II, lauded the meeting theme and explained that the current land tenure systems in the region do not guarantee sustainable land governance. He called on national governments to bring in qualified experts, introduce academic structures to support governance processes and come up with solutions based on the needs of the region and constraints of the multiplicity of the land tenure system.
The meeting allowed various professionals such as surveyors, urbanistic and architects, notaries and land lawyers, chartered experts, sociologists and anthropologists, etc., to share their views about priorities in their land sectors, country and sectorial orientations, and recommendations of the land governance. A diagnosis of land governance expertise was discussed in order to establish the land expert profile guide. The expertise reference guide will be shared in future for validation and endorsement.
Click below to read:
Reports from the Expert Meeting on February 14 and February 17, 2022
Frank’s Success Story – NELGA Alumni
Frank Mintah was a 2019 NELGA-DAAD scholarship holder at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). He shares his story on the impact of the NELGA experience on a childhood dream.
Born and raised in Ghana’s Ashanti area, Frank grew up in an environment where he had many interactions with his family, community, and social systems. Born with an artistic flair, Frank often listened to the radio and watched the news in his childhood days, exposing him to Ghana’s daily and rising social problems. As he got older, Frank became increasingly passionate about social change in Ghana and explained that “As I gained more knowledge and insight into these social phenomena through school, I became more passionate about the social and economic problems that affect the well-being of people. Though I was not sure how the process was going to be, I wanted to use my talent in art and design through a meaningful adventure to help resolve the critical problems of society.”
With a passion for knowledge, he got admitted into Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), NELGA’s West Africa node, to pursue a B.Sc in Human Settlement Planning in 2012. “I found this programme very relevant to my talent and passion for making an impact in society through planning for sustainable communities and land management, utilizing knowledge from a wide range of fields including social policy, economics and geography”, he says. Frank graduated in 2016 with a First-Class Honours and got the opportunity to work as a Teaching and Research Assistant at KNUST’s Department of Planning, project assistantships with the Kumasi Metropolitan Area’s Town and Country Planning Department at the Department of Transport.
Wanting to have more hands-on and regional experience on Africa’s land space, in 2017, he applied for a NELGA-DAAD scholarship to pursue an MPhil degree in Planning and Land Governance.
The NELGA-DAAD scholarship provides academic support to students to further their skills and knowledge in the land governance space in Africa. As future land policymakers and land practitioners, the scholarship supports the African Unions Land Agenda by bridging capacity gaps in land governance space towards the economic and social development of the continent.
Like many of the scholarship recipients, he was excited to pursue his study.
“It gave me memories that will last for a lifetime. The programme offered the opportunity to complement my knowledge in land use planning with the governance arrangements that influence land-use decisions and land-use outcomes. Within my scholarship period, I also obtained the DAAD short-term research stay scholarship to undertake a research residency in Germany, at the Chair of Land Management, in the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The scholarship again allowed me to join international conferences, including the Conference on Land Policy in Africa in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and the Sustainable Development for Africa Seminar at TUM (Munich, Germany), among many other in-country research and networking events.
Essentially, my experiences on the NELGA programme exposed me to critical issues related to land tenure security, land policy, land administration, gender and development, and environmental sustainability, at the local, national and international levels. I got a practical understanding of how social problems manifest in different forms in different places but are connected in several ways, which make intercultural learning and knowledge sharing very important in research and practice.”
After completing his Master’s in 2019, he worked with the Department of Planning (KNUST) as a Research and Project Assistant. Within that period, he engaged in various research activities and projects that relate to both land governance and national development. His research article on customary land governance and wetland management in Kumasi was published and he contributed a chapter on ‘ Discourse on women and land tenure in Ghana: Does a matrilineal land tenure system make a difference for women?’ to a book titled “Land Governance and Gender: The Tenure-Gender Nexus in Land Management and Land Policy” . In addition, he worked on national projects, including an assessment study of the Volta Lake Inland Water Transportation project, which aimed to accelerate socio-economic development for over 21 municipalities along the Volta Lake in Ghana.
NELGA mentorship, scholarship, opportunities and his personal desire for change inspired him to further his studies again. Currently, Frank is a PhD researcher at the Institute of Geography in the University of Bern, in Switzerland on Geography and Sustainable Development. As part of a broader Sustain-Forest Project, his research focuses on the governance arrangements that work for sustainable forest use and management in agricultural landscapes of West Africa, which the European Research Commission funds. He believes the knowledge and skills he gained through the NELGA program were extremely relevant to the research he is now undertaking.
Now getting closer to his career goal to be an international development expert focusing on natural resource governance, climate change, sustainable communities and sustainable development, he cites the DAAD and NELGA programme support as the crucial stepping stone that brought him closer to his aspiration. Having begun his PhD studies, he plans to utilize the international opportunities available to broaden his scope of knowledge and network, as well as contribute to policy formulation within the field of sustainable natural resources management and governance.
To read Frank’s research, click below: (chapter 11)
North Africa Expert Meeting for Land Actors and their Commitments to Economic and Social Development Comes Up On February 14-17, 2022
NELGA North Africa (NA) hub located at the Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (IAV) will hold meetings that gather land professionals and highlight their contributions to the land development process of emergent economies. On February 14, 16 and 17, NELGA NA will hold a series of sessions with land experts such as surveyors, architects, notaries, chartered experts, experts in sociology and anthropology to share their visions, knowledge and expertise on land challenges in Africa. The activities aim to discuss: the priorities of land governance issues in NA, the roles of land actors and their commitment to enhance LG at the national level and in the region and to discuss the lacking capacities that needs to be further enhanced.
The sessions will allow various professionals to develop an expert profile reference document for land governance in Africa. Among other things, the reference document will provide a set of criteria to be considered a land expert in Africa in meeting contemporary land issues faced on the continent that is aligned with the AU land agenda.
Insight from Queen Mothers to Influence Implementation Headway on Ghana’s New Land Act
From February 2-4, 2022, Queen mothers, traditional leaders, and representatives of customary land secretariats will gather in Tamale, Ghana, to discuss Ghana’s Land Act (Act 1036) 2020 and review actions to improve the legislation implementation. The meeting organised by Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) through NELGA aims to create awareness and improved understanding among customary leaders on Ghana’s new land governance regime.
The meeting will highlight the new laws influences on land administration and decision making among traditional leaders, ensuring traditional authorities, especially Queen Mothers, understand and carry out actions supporting the Land Act.
Ghana operates a dual land tenure system. There are the state system and the customary system. The state system administers about 20% of the total land in Ghana while the customary system, managed by several traditional leaders, administers the remaining 80%. This land tenure arrangement is clearly spelt out in different legislations on land, indicating that land users in Ghana could acquire land from either the state or traditional leaders. While traditional leaders have their mandate in land administration defined both in law and custom, their role is limited to the granting of various rights and interests in the land they oversee.
Traditional Leaders do not have the mandate to determine and approve land uses, nor do they manage the registration of rights and interest in land. Those functions are reserved for state agencies to perform. This means that one can negotiate and conclude an agreement for a parcel of land with a traditional leader. However, the approval for the type of use and registration of the land can only be granted by the state. The interlinkages between the functions of the state and those of traditional leaders make it necessary to have a coordination of land administration services between the two systems. Such coordination would build a stronger land tenure system that delivers secured land rights. Unfortunately, there is limited coordination between the state and the customary land tenure system, resulting in many challenges and threats to land tenure security.
The workshop will discuss both compulsory and customary land administration under the new Land Act [Act 1036] of 2020 with traditional leaders. Furthermore, to ensure a successful engagement with the traditional leaders during the meeting, KNUST trained its research team on the MAXQDA qualitative analysis software for qualitative analysis. The research systems help scientists understand people and how social and cultural contexts influence decision-making, especially Queen Mothers regarding decisions on land within their jurisdiction. Subsequently, the research team intends to release a study that explores the role and involvement of queen mothers in the administration of land in Ghana. The study will provide informed context to queries around the participation of Queen Mothers in the administration of land and land-based decisions in four regions within mid-Ghana.
What Have NELGA Alumni Been Up To
The NELGA scholarship and fellowship programs graduate and train some of the most gifted land governance newbies and experts in Africa. The NELGA team recently reached out to some of them, keeping us updated on how NELGA’s support has influenced their personal lives and professional achievements.

George Tonderai Mudimu, a postdoctoral fellow at Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), South Africa
I had my first encounter with NELGA Southern Africa Node in February 2018. I was a research intern at the Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies (SMAIAS) and was nominated to attend the inaugural NELGA course in Land Governance and Corruption in Namibia. This course was quite useful for me for it delved into practical and theoretical issues on land governance, which was the focus of my doctoral research. Some of the key lessons I learnt from this course I utilized in my doctoral thesis write up as well as in my journal articles, more specifically my article on land leasing in post land reform Zimbabwe and on other land governance-related works.
My second and also crucial interface with NELGA was a few months later in July. SMAIAS nominated me to attend the Scoping Study on Land Governance in Africa course. I networked with colleagues at the meeting and jointly we developed a research piece on equitable and sustainable land governance for Africa. The research piece was shared at both regional and continental levels. This research piece has partly been instrumental to land governance in Africa and has been cited by a few academic works and policy briefs on land policy in Zimbabwe (over 100 downloads and citations). I am now seen as a resource expert and improved my activism on land reforms matters and have been invited to speak during online events on land governance more frequently.

Rebecca Justin Milamo, Assistant Lecturer at Ardhi University, Tanzania
After attaining my undergraduate degree in 2014, I worked with several real estate firms, public institutions as well as volunteering in a local professional association as an executive assistant. Through that, I realized that the industry has a lot of challenges but is also very exciting and promising. In Tanzania, real estate professional practice is still underdeveloped partly due to a limited number of highly skilled and qualified professionals (especially women) and institutions. Despite the prevalence of land governance-related problems, still, a large section of the population is ignorant of land issues. The problem is even much more pronounced amongst women, which in turn limit their access to land resources.
Thereafter, I was motivated to enhance my professional skills by pursuing further studies. Due to insufficient financial capacity, I searched for several scholarships and funding programs until I got the DAAD NELGA/SLGA in-country scholarship. Despite enabling me to attain my Masters’ degree, this scholarship has exposed me to different international conferences and workshops, cultures, expanded my network locally and internationally as well as enhanced my research and communication skills through various training and seminars.
It is through the NELGA scholarship program I have acquired the required qualifications that enabled me to join an academic institution (Ardhi University) as a tutor, researcher and consultant. This opportunity creates a good platform for sharing my knowledge and skills with other upcoming young stars who have an interest in land-related issues. It also enables me to use my expertise in researching and publishing to share or exchange the knowledge I have with the general public so as to address some of the land-related challenges being faced. Hence, I consider this to be the best way of giving back to the community.

Emmanuel Offei Akrofi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Geomatic Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana
I was engaged in NELGA Staff Exchange Programme to the Department of Land Administration of INES-RUHENGERI, Rwanda. I taught Introduction to Land Administration from February 18, 2020, through March 13, 2020 There were two streams A and B totalling 110 students, including second-year students who were re-writing the course. Besides, the normal teaching Dr. Tende Renz Tichafogwe, another volunteer for the staff exchange program from Cameroon, and I jointly organized seminars on Linkages between the Environment and Land Management and Research Methodology for the second-and third-year students of the Department.
Participation in the NELGA staff Exchange has been beneficial to me as an individual in several ways. It has broadened my knowledge and understanding of the complexities of land administration challenges facing Africa, particularly Rwanda and Ghana and some of the innovative ways these challenges are being tackled. Again, the need for adequate skilled manpower in all aspects of land administration and the need for African Universities to collaborate to improve this became evident. Consequently, a joint proposal between INES, KNUST and the other four Universities in Africa has been presented to the EU for sponsorship under Academic Mobility for Africa’s Development through the Academia-Industry Collaboration in Science, Technology and Innovation (AMADIST).

Germain Muvunyi, Lecturer and Academic Researcher, Institute of Applied Sciences Ruhengeri (INES Ruhengeri) Rwanda
The Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) supported by the GIZ, gave me the chance to attend and present my research results at conferences in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Rwanda. My research interest includes Remote Sensing & GIS for Environment, Natural Resource Management, Land Administration and Management, LULC/Landscape characterization & climate change studies. As a young scientist and researcher with a lot of dreams and aspirations, delivering a scientific talk and getting feedback or comments is hugely important for one’s career. Selected programs were strongly compatible with my career interests.
These in hand with extensive interactions with fellow experts in the field of Land Administration and Management from various countries, helped me to secure substantial working knowledge good enough to contribute to some Land administration interventions in Rwanda or East Africa, with evidence-based satisfactory services accomplished with skills, efficiency and effectiveness. It was great to be able to discuss projects and practical examples outside of my day to day practice and sector, and then to consider how these scenarios might apply in my country. As result, one of my articles was published as a chapter in the book titled: Responsible and Smart Land Management Interventions: An African Context.”

Valentina Nyame, Research Assistant and MPhil in Planning graduate, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana
As part of the NELGA programme, I was sponsored for a short-term research stay at the Chair of Land Management, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. This offered a unique opportunity to interact with research, interact and network with experts across different countries on land governance in Africa. Specifically, the course on land management and tenure was insightful in exposing me to the land management practices in Germany and around the world as well as techniques in dealing with the varying interests on land. I was also able to work on collaborative research with the Chair of Land Management on land access among women in Ghana.
My experience with NELGA has been transformational for my career growth and development. Based on the knowledge and expertise I gained through the NELGA programme, I am currently employed as a research assistant on a project which assesses the effect of land governance on the socio-economic empowerment of gender in Ghana. I not only had an opportunity to pursue a masters program but I also gained a network of colleagues, experts and professionals that are working together to transform land governance in Africa.
Even as an Alumna, I continue to benefit from skill training programmes and several other opportunities for research and networking. I am happy to be part of NELGA and grateful for every opportunity I have been given. I will also like to encourage others, whether a student, graduate or professional, to take advantage of the opportunities provided by NELGA to make useful impacts in their countries.

Ovono Edzang Noël, Researcher, Department of Geography of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences (FLSH), Omar Bongo University (UOB), CERGEP Research Center, Gabon
Working with NELGA, I was able to carry out a national research study to assess the land governance framework in the country. Recommendation from the study was presented at the launch of the formulation of the National Agricultural Investment Plan, Food Security and Nutrition 2 (PNIASAN 2) in Gabon. Insights from the research will be added to Gabon’s National Agricultural Investment Plan. It is rewarding to see ones hard work and words, playing a key role in shaping the country land governance landscape thanks to NELGA support.
The Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa is a partnership of leading African universities and research institutions with proven leadership in education, training, and research on land governance.
ECA Reviews its Work on Strengthening Africa’s Land Policy Sector in a Year of Challenges
The Economic Commission for Africa ECA’s overarching focus is to support member states in achieving sustainable development and Agenda 2063. One of which is through policy support and creating an enabling environment to increase private sector investment in agriculture, infrastructure, energy and services, and improve the business-enabling environment. In delivering the above mandate, ECA’s Agriculture and Business Enabling Environment Section (ABEE) sector assists member States in formulating and implementing evidence-based policies to support their efforts to further enhance the private sector contribution to Africa’s transformation with a particular focus on agriculture and land-related policies.
The section presented its key results for the fourth quarter of 2021 and an outlook for 2022 at during the ECA’s Annual and Fourth Quarter (Q4) Accountability and Programme Review Meeting held from 14 to 17 December.
Joan Kagwanja, Section Chief for ABEE, stated, “For ABEE, the COVID-19 pandemic and political challenges in some countries of focus provided unfavourable circumstances in meeting targets. However, we feel confident that we are turning the corner. Our fourth-quarter performance shows we are on track towards improved land tenure and security in Africa, which contributes to the continent’s economic growth and transformation and in meeting Agenda 2030 and AU agenda 2063.”
Among the key achievements, the section:
- Developed and validated five regional synthesis study reports on agro-poles development in Africa;
- Validated the African regional overview report on food security and nutrition in Africa
- Developed and reviewed four curricula for Jomo Kenyetta University of Agriculture and Technology in Kenya on land governance and resources management, which fosters the capacity of future land policymakers;
- For the 2021 Conference on Land Policy in Africa, held in collaboration with AUC, AfDB, ECA, and the Government of Rwanda, over 80 paper presentations in over 60 sessions garnered over 280 articles in the media and over 1.18k in social media engagement.
“Regardless of the virtual nature of the conference, we had over 450 unique virtual participants for the opening ceremony alone,” said Kagwanja.
Other achievements include capacity building masterclasses on land governance in Africa, publishing the fifth edition of the Africa Journal on Land policy and Geospatial Sciences for 2021, and developing the assessment report on strengthening women’s land tenure security in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Some of these results were achieved while working in close partnership with COMESA, EAC, AfDB, DARBE and other development partners, including technical support to member states.
“It is expected that 2022 provides the opportunity improve the business enabling environment for attracting investments in the critical area of agriculture and land in Africa,” stated Kagwanja.