Category: News

NELGA Highlights from the Africa Climate Summit: Land Governance and Climate Change Side Event

On September 7, the Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) played a pivotal role in an important side event at the Africa Climate Week in Nairobi, Kenya. The event, held at the African Union House/Pavilion, focused on the critical theme of “Effective land use and governance: Pivotal elements in Africa’s efforts towards mitigation and adaptation to climate change,” contributing significantly to broader discussions encompassing agriculture, land, ocean, food, and water.

The session began with opening remarks from the African Union (AU) by Dr. Janet Edeme, setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of land governance. She stated, “The key focus of this side event is to explore and ensure a common understanding of experiences from different stakeholders and champion the implementation of the AU Agenda on Land.”

The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa on behalf of AU Commissioner Josefa L.C. Sacko, providing valuable insights into the wide-ranging implications of climate change on land governance.

Following this, expert panel discussions ensued, featuring contributions from distinguished individuals such as NELGA member, Professor Sylvana Rudith King.  The panel also included Japhet Seulu, the Chief Operation Officer for Carbon and Conservation at Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) who was also representing the GIZ Climate Resilience and Management of Natural Resources in the SADC Region Initiative; Ms. Marealle Maria Saguti, African Development Bank (AfDB) who spoke about the intersection between climate change, gender, and land tenure; Mr. Japheth Kasimbu the Transhumance Expert at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), who discussed Pastoralists’ Responses to Climate Hazards in the Horn of Africa and Mr. Audace Kubwimana, Africa Regional Coordinator at the International Land Coalition, speaking on the role of people centered land governance in addressing the climate crises and building sustainable food systems in Africa.

The experts emphasized the importance of policy revisions, integrated land-use planning, climate-smart practices, and the intersection of climate change with gender and land tenure, among other critical topics. Professor King highlighted the need for policy implementation, stating, “We need to invest in policy implementation to tackle issues of land governance, increase resilience, and build capacity for smallholder farmers to cope with climate change.”

An engaging Q&A session further enriched the discourse, with active participation from the audience. The side event culminated with messages of solidarity from influential organizations such as the International Land Coalition, GIZ, and various government representatives. Their messages underscored the imperative need for collaborative efforts to comprehensively address climate change.

The side event served as a platform to emphasize the pivotal role of land use and governance in addressing climate change and fostering climate resilience in Africa. It provided an exceptional opportunity for stakeholders to exchange ideas and explore innovative solutions to these pressing challenges. This event marks a significant milestone in NELGA’s unwavering commitment to effective land governance, crucial for enhancing climate resilience across Africa.

Call for Research Grants: Investigating Land and Conflict Dynamics

We are excited to announce the Call for Research Grants on Land and Conflict for the year 2023, presented by NELGA and DAAD. This call invites researchers to explore pressing issues at the intersection of land governance and conflict in Africa.

The research grants offer a unique chance for scholars to investigate specific research topics related to land disputes, resource management, and conflict resolution. By supporting these projects, NELGA and DAAD aim to foster evidence-based policy recommendations and contribute to sustainable land governance practices across the continent.

To find out more about the grant call, including eligibility criteria, application process, and important dates, please refer to the official call document: [Call for Short-Term Research Fellowships 2023]

If you are a researcher passionate about addressing land-related conflicts and promoting peace through research, this is an excellent opportunity to make a meaningful impact. Submit your proposal and contribute to advancing our understanding of land governance in Africa.

Relevant links:

DAAD website

Related posts:

NELGA Postdoc Fellowship

Exciting Opportunities for Postdoctoral Research on Land

Postdoctoral Fellowship Call: Unlocking New Frontiers in Land Research

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Postdoctoral Fellowship Call for 2023, jointly organized by the Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This prestigious fellowship program aims to support outstanding researchers in exploring the complexities of land in Africa.

The fellowship provides an exceptional opportunity for postdoctoral researchers to delve into critical issues related to land governance, land rights, and conflict resolution. By fostering interdisciplinary research, the program seeks to generate innovative insights and contribute to sustainable land management practices across the continent.

If you are a passionate researcher with a keen interest in land and conflict studies, this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. Take the next step in your academic journey and contribute to shaping sustainable land governance in Africa.

To learn more about the fellowship, including eligibility criteria, application process, and evaluation criteria, please refer to the official call document here: [Postdoctoral Fellowship Call 2023]

Relevant links:

DAAD website

NELGA Postdoc Research Themes Narrative

Related posts:

NELGA Postdoc Fellowship Virtual Launch event

NELGA Call for Short-Term Research Fellowship

Join Us at the NELGA Post-Doc Research Fellowships Virtual Launch Event!

Are you passionate about land governance in Africa? Do you wish to explore ground-breaking research opportunities? Look no further! The Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) is excited to invite you to our highly anticipated virtual launch event, where we will introduce the NELGA Post-Doc Research Fellowships and provide valuable insights into this exceptional fellowship programme.

The NELGA Post-Doc Research Fellowships are designed to support outstanding young scholars and researchers who are eager to contribute to advancements in land governance. Through these fellowships, participants will delve into critical thematic focus areas and gain comprehensive knowledge and expertise.

Mark your calendars for the Virtual Launch Event, scheduled for 10th August 2023, from 13:30 to 16:00 CET. The event will be conveniently hosted on MS Teams.

During this event, experts from NELGA and the African Land Policy Centre will provide in-depth presentations on the fellowship programme. You will gain insights into the eligibility criteria, application process, selection procedures, benefits, and expected outcomes of these fellowships.

The event will cover various thematic focus areas, showcasing the breadth and depth of research opportunities available. Additionally, the virtual setting allows for engaging discussions and networking, connecting participants from diverse backgrounds and locations across the continent.

Attending the event provides an avenue to interact directly with representatives from NELGA, ALPC, and other renowned institutions, clarifying any queries and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the fellowship programme.

Visit the NELGA website’s Contact Us page and express your interest in attending the virtual launch event. 

Related links:

DAAD website

NELGA Postdoc Research Themes Narrative

NELGA Postdoc Fellowship Call 2023

NELGA Call for Short-Term Research Fellowship

Building Bridges for Sustainable Development: Insights from the 12th EALAN Conference

The 12th instalment of the EALAN Annual General Meeting and Conference, a collaborative effort by the Eastern African Land Administration Network (EALAN), Ardhi University, and the Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA), took place from July 27th to 28th, 2023, in Dar es Salaam. This event is a landmark in the progress of sustainable development via land administration in Eastern Africa.

The conference theme, “Advancing Land Administration in Eastern Africa for Sustainable Development,” opened up insightful discussions on the complex dynamics between human interaction with the land, technological advancements, and societal priorities. These elements have a profound influence on the region’s journey towards achieving the sustainable development goals.

The EALAN Conference hosted engaging dialogues and technical sessions, shedding light on crucial sub-themes. These included land governance and tenure, the impacts of climate change on land use, land acquisition and conflicts, education and research in land administration, land registration and formalization, and pro-poor land management approaches.

The conference provided a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange between scholars, policymakers, and practitioners from diverse land-related disciplines. NELGA’s participation highlighted the network’s dedication to improving land governance practices in the region, aiming to promote economic development, social justice, and environmental protection.

Advancing Land Policy and Governance in North Africa: Highlights from NELGA’s First International Knowledge Forum 


Over 80 academics and practitioners gathered at the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire (IAV) Hassan II in Rabat, Morocco, for the North Africa Node of NELGA’s first international knowledge forum. The event, which took place on June 20–22, 2023, was inaugurated by IAV Director and NELGA Coordinator, Professor Moha El-Ayachi, and the African Land Policy Centre (ALPC), with the presence of GIZ-AU’s SLGA and GIZ Morocco. 


The conference focused on knowledge dissemination and the exchange of research findings on topics ranging from curriculum development and land policy practices to innovative technologies for digital transformation in the field of land governance in North Africa. Participants emphasized the importance of gender inclusion and integrating land policy actions into national policy dialogue. While sustainable development goals were discussed as the main umbrella for developing indicators and activities that inform land policy, participants agreed on the need for policy reforms that consider the socio-economic and environmental dimensions of land development. 


Throughout the forum, NELGA North Africa partners presented their thematic and cross-over research on topics such as land governance and sustainable cities in Egypt, the use of digital technologies for the management of natural risks in Morocco, and new land tenure policies as economic partnership frameworks in Mauritania. The conference also provided a platform for experts, doctoral students, and post-docs to present their research on geospatial technologies in land evaluation, planning, and yield estimation. Participants were able to interact with the presenters about the opportunities and limitations of these technologies and the benefits of applying them in the current context of African land governance. 


The forum ended with a closing note from Professor Moha El-Ayachi, who emphasized the importance of multistakeholder partnerships in promoting land governance. He reiterated the value of the SLGA program as a strategic component in the collaboration between NELGA NA and GIZ. 

Recap: Development of Capacity Building Needs for Land Institutions in Cameroon

From July 5th to July 6th, 2023, the Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) organized a two-day workshop in Mbalmayo, Cameroon, to address the needs of land governance institutions in the country. The workshop took place at the Centre D’accueil Notre Dame Du Perpétuel Secours de Mbalmayo and brought together various state institutions working on land issues, including the Ministry of Lands, Cadastre, and Land Affairs (MINDCAF), Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries, and Animal Industries of Cameroon (MINEPIA), Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF), and others. Also present were academics from several universities, representatives from civil society organizations, technical and financial partners, and the NELGA Central Africa coordination team.

The main objectives of the workshop were to introduce NELGA, its vision, objectives, and activities, present the activities of the participating institutions related to land governance, identify and collect their capacity-building needs, present the NELGA focal points and their roles, and explore collaboration opportunities between these institutions and NELGA.

The workshop included plenary sessions and individual work sessions. During the plenary session, NELGA was presented in detail, highlighting its achievements and ongoing activities. The roles of the focal points within the administrations were clarified, emphasizing their roles as liaisons, facilitators, mediators, and sources of information.

During the individual work sessions, each institution presented the activities they have implemented related to land, the challenges faced during their implementation, and the identified capacity-building needs. The information gathered from these sessions allowed a better understanding of the ongoing activities and identified the capacity-building needs in land matters to help Cameroon contribute effectively to the implementation of the African Union land agenda.

The main identified capacity-building needs include basic knowledge about the historical land regime and its application to different sectors, understanding the laws and legal documents governing land and domain in Cameroon, modern cadastral techniques and archiving of land documents at the local level, traditional, administrative, and judicial conflict resolution procedures based on conflict typology, reinforcement of expertise in land disputes and land law, particularly focusing on securing customary rights, and strengthening advocacy skills among traditional leaders, parliamentarians, and rural communities.

The workshop also highlighted potential synergies, particularly with MINDCAF, which could serve as an information and training hub for land policy and legislation in Cameroon.

This workshop marks an important step in strengthening NELGA’s presence in Cameroon and enhancing collaboration and coordination among land institutions in the country. The results obtained and the future prospects offer a promising path towards realizing NELGA’s vision in Central Africa, particularly in Cameroon.

EALAN Conference 2023: Addressing Land Administration Challenges for Sustainable Development

Today marks the first day of the EALAN Conference, a significant event focused on addressing the challenges facing Land Administration Systems in the region. The conference aims to bring together stakeholders from various backgrounds, including scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in the land governance realm.

The theme of the conference, “Land Administration for Sustainable Development,” highlights the crucial role that effective land administration plays in achieving sustainable development goals. It recognizes the importance of addressing issues such as the inclusion of women and vulnerable groups, informality in land markets, and the efficient use of land and natural resources.

Throughout the day, participants will engage in discussions and attend technical sessions covering a range of subthemes. These subthemes include education and research in land administration, land governance and tenure, and land acquisition. The sessions will provide a platform for sharing experiences, research findings, and innovative approaches to address the challenges in land governance.

The conference offers an opportunity for participants to learn from each other’s experiences and exchange ideas on how to improve land administration systems. By fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, the conference aims to contribute to the development of effective and sustainable land governance practices in the region.

As we look forward to the second day of the conference, there will be further engaging sessions and presentations on topics such as digital land administration, land registration, and pro-poor land management approaches. These discussions will provide valuable insights and recommendations for enhancing land administration systems and promoting sustainable development.

Join us online here.

Promoting Peaceful Transhumance: NELGA’s Efforts in Addressing Land Tenure Challenges

NELGA Central Africa is set to organize a side event on transhumance on the 10th of July 2023 at the Second International Conference of Ministers on Transboundary Transhumance at the initiative of the Facilitation of the Federal Republic of Germany of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). The side event, titled” Land Governance and Sustainable Policies to Manage Transhumance ” aims to highlight the crucial role of land tenure in transhumance and facilitate dialogue among diverse stakeholders involved in transhumance practices.

Transboundary transhumance, the seasonal movement of livestock herds from one country to another, often leads to conflicts, particularly regarding land use. NELGA recognizes the importance of addressing these conflicts to ensure peaceful and sustainable transhumance across borders. By integrating land issues into political and diplomatic discussions, NELGA seeks to contribute to the development of sustainable land policies that support peaceful transhumance.

The side event, with Professor Paul Tchawa, NELGA Central Africa Coordinator, as moderator, will outline NELGA’s contributions to sustainable land policies for peaceful transhumance. Participants will engage in discussions, share experiences, and explore potential solutions to challenges associated with land tenure in transhumance.

The event expects the participation of government representatives, civil society, academics, and technical and financial partners. By promoting NELGA’s work and raising awareness about the realities of land tenure, the event aims to foster collaboration and sensitize stakeholders to the importance of integrating land tenure into transhumance policies.

NELGA’s engagement in this side event aligns with its overarching goal of strengthening land governance in Africa. Through the provision of decision-making tools and collaboration among stakeholders, NELGA empowers actors involved in transhumance and contributes to the implementation of the African Union’s land agenda.

With the conference on the horizon, this event holds great promise as a critical platform for knowledge-sharing and open dialogue concerning land tenure issues. It represents a significant step towards achieving sustainable and peaceful transhumance in Africa.

Empowering Young Researchers: Online Workshop Unveiled Job Search Opportunities and Land Grants

NELGA-CA took a significant step towards supporting young researchers interested in land issues within Central African universities. In response to the growing demand for guidance on job search techniques and land grants, the coordinating committee organized an interdisciplinary online workshop, which took place on June 26, 2023.

The workshop aimed to expose young researchers to a multitude of employment and scholarship opportunities while equipping them with the necessary skills and attitudes for success. Leveraging the MS Teams digital platform, the event featured three main themes: a comprehensive overview of employability opportunities in the land sector, capacitation in job-seeking techniques, and equipping researchers with grant-seeking strategies.

The outcomes of this sub-regional workshop were both promising and impactful. Attendees gained access to a comprehensive mapping of employability opportunities in the land sector, ensuring they were well-informed about available paths. Furthermore, young researchers acquired essential skills in job search techniques, enabling them to navigate the competitive employment landscape with confidence. Additionally, participants were equipped with effective techniques for securing grants, enhancing their prospects for future research projects.

Importantly, the workshop fostered the adoption of good practices and attitudes among the researchers. By promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and sharing successful strategies, the event contributed to a robust research ecosystem in Central Africa.

The online workshop served as a vital platform for young researchers, marking a significant milestone in their journey towards success in the field of land issues. Through this event, NELGA-CA endeavored to bridge the gap between qualified researchers and untapped opportunities, ultimately fueling sustainable development and progress in the region.