NELGA – DAAD Research Fellowship in Climate Change and Land Governance

The Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA), in partnership with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), is pleased to announce the 2024 Research Fellowship. This initiative offers a unique opportunity for scholars and professionals within NELGA partner institutions to engage in research that addresses the critical intersection of climate change and land governance.
The 2024 fellowship focuses on empowering African researchers to explore key areas such as African food systems, pastoralism, digitalization, and gender dynamics in land rights and aims to strengthen the academic and practical linkages essential for effective land policy reforms across Africa.
Eligible Fields Applicants must have a background in land governance/ land management or a related field (e.g. land administration, land economics, urban and regional planning, geomatics). Proposals covering the following cross-cutting issues will be given special consideration in the field of Climate Change and Land Governance:
- African Food Systems and Land Governance
- Pastoralism, Livestock and Land Rights in Africa
- Digitalization and Land Rights in Africa
- Gender and Land Rights in Africa
Applications are due by 14th October 2024, with the fellowship period starting in January 2025.
For more details click the link nelga_call_for_research_fellowships_2024_climate-english.pdf (