Namibian University of Science and Technology
Known for being a trendsetter in higher education and international applied research, the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) aims to become a leading African university. The Department of Land and Property Sciences (DLPS) at NUST and the Integrated Land Management Institute (ILMI) are at the forefront of research and outreach in land governance and administration. NUST was selected as a NELGA Node for Southern Africa because of its proven leadership and track record in academic education, training and research on land governance.

Our Result
The node carried out a first-of-its-kind baseline study on the state of land governance in Southern Africa; i.e., Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The research focused on the institutional framework, the legal framework of land tenure and administration, land dispute resolution, land valuation and taxation, land use planning and control, management of public land and land information management. Recommendations for research are available in eight country scoping study reports, a synthesis report and a Research and Capacity Development Strategy for Land Governance Innovation.
Capacity Building
Based on the extensive research carried out in the baseline study, the node consistently creates or identifies spaces in which to build regional capacities on the findings from the scoping study through webinars, masterclasses, conferences and workshops. Also, the node introduced training for the trainers of the Masterclass on Land Governance and Corruption to achieve the multiplier effect on its research findings within higher institutions. Since 2017, 27 opinion pieces have been published in mainstream and online media – an avenue for academics to get research into the policy sphere, build public capacities and generate awareness on land issues in the region.
Policy Reform
In support of mainstreaming land policy issues in the National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP), the node carried out a comprehensive analysis for the development of second generation NAIPs in Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Eswatini and Botswana. The analysis was presented in policy briefs to government institutions for their use.