News & Events Keywords Tags abstractsafricaAfrica Climate SummitAfrican JournalAfrican Unionagricultural developmentagricultureALPCbahir darBotswanaBurkina fasoCamerooncentral africaCLPACommunicationconferenceCoronaCorona VirusCote d'voireCOVID-19curriculaDAADDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbHEALANEast Africaeducation in kenyaEgyptEmbraceequityEthiopiafeaturedFellowshipFood SecurityGeospatialGIZGood practiceInternational Youth DayinternshipIWD africajohannes lineekelomweneJournalLabour Market IntegrationLANDland capitalLand conflictLand DataLand DevelopmentLand GovernanceLand Governance Strategyland in kenyaland investmentland leaseland lease tenderland ownershipLand policyLand portalland researchland revenueLand rightsLand tenurelandownershipMastersMilo LandMOOCmoroccoNAIPnamibiaNELGAnetworkNEXNorth AfricaNUSTPHDPostgraduatepublicationResearchResearch Grantrural developmentrural womenRwandaScholarshipSciencesscientific writingSenegalSierra LeoneSLGASothern Africasouth africasuccess storySucess StoryTanzaniaTrainingUgandaUGBUniversity of Yaounde 1urban leaseurban revenuevalue captureWebinarWest Africawomen access to landwomen land rightswomen land rights in africaYouth Day Category Call for applicationNewsResearch callSuccess storiestrainingsUncategorizedWebinar Les universités francophones d’Afrique de l’Ouest commencent un atelier sur l’adaptation du programme de gouvernance foncière pour répondre à l’agenda de l’UA sur la terre February 12, 2021 The African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences Releases Its 1st Issue of 2021 February 1, 2021 Guidelines for the Development of Curricula on Land Governance in Africa January 22, 2021 L’Université de Kindia, Guinée, présente un programme de maîtrise en gouvernance foncière January 15, 2021 2nd Arab Land Conference – NELGA to Hold Masterclass and Roundtable on Land Governance in North Africa December 28, 2020 University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon appoints Professor Tchotsoua as NELGA Focal Point December 22, 2020 University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon appoints Professor Tchotsoua as NELGA Focal Point December 22, 2020 Land Governance Panel at GIZ Landhub 2020 Meeting Highlights Best Practices for Research-Policy Linkages December 18, 2020 GIZ LandHub 2020 Meeting – Research-Policy Linkages: How to improve Evidence-based Policy Advise in the Land Sector? December 14, 2020 The Registration for the Second Arab Land Conference is now open! December 1, 2020 ADLAND, TUM, and NELGA to Hold Series of Capacity Building Events on Land Governance in Africa November 23, 2020 Leading Universities in Central Africa Host Sensitization Workshop on the Guidelines for Curricula Development on Land governance in Africa November 10, 2020 «1…1415161718…23»