News & Events Keywords Tags abstractsafricaAfrica Climate SummitAfrican JournalAfrican Unionagricultural developmentagricultureALPCbahir darBotswanaBurkina fasoCamerooncentral africaCLPACommunicationconferenceCoronaCorona VirusCote d'voireCOVID-19curriculaDAADDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbHEALANEast Africaeducation in kenyaEgyptEmbraceequityEthiopiafeaturedFellowshipFood SecurityGeospatialGIZGood practiceInternational Youth DayinternshipIWD africajohannes lineekelomweneJournalLabour Market IntegrationLANDland capitalLand conflictLand DataLand DevelopmentLand GovernanceLand Governance Strategyland in kenyaland investmentland leaseland lease tenderland ownershipLand policyLand portalland researchland revenueLand rightsLand tenurelandownershipMastersMilo LandMOOCmoroccoNAIPnamibiaNELGAnetworkNEXNorth AfricaNUSTPHDPostgraduatepublicationResearchResearch Grantrural developmentrural womenRwandaScholarshipSciencesscientific writingSenegalSierra LeoneSLGASothern Africasouth africasuccess storySucess StoryTanzaniaTrainingUgandaUGBUniversity of Yaounde 1urban leaseurban revenuevalue captureWebinarWest Africawomen access to landwomen land rightswomen land rights in africaYouth Day Category Call for applicationNewsResearch callSuccess storiestrainingsUncategorizedWebinar Nazi-Boni University Takes Steps to Establish a Land Governance Master’s Program November 5, 2020 Pour une amélioration des curricula sur la gouvernance foncière en Afrique Centrale: NELGA Afrique centrale organise un atelier de sensibilisation sur la révision des programmes d’enseignement en matière de gouvernance foncière November 4, 2020 Integration of Land Tenure Issues into the Revised Rural Sectarian Development Strategy and the National Agricultural Investment Plan (SDSR/PNIA) in Cameroun October 12, 2020 NELGA Southern Africa Hub to hold Research and Capacity Development Workshop on Land Governance Innovation in Southern Africa October 2, 2020 The African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences Listed in ERIH PLUS September 24, 2020 NELGA CA Successfully Completes Mission Visit to the University of Douala, Cameroon September 23, 2020 Technical Experts in Africa Hold Planning Meeting on Land Governance in Africa September 21, 2020 The Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa Launches its Continental Secretariat in Ethiopia September 17, 2020 Call for Funding Applications: NELGA Digital Accompanying Measures September 16, 2020 Land Tenure Insecurity and Urbanization in Benin – NELGA Land Register Francophone West Africa September 15, 2020 Registration is now OPEN: Africa Land Forum 2020 September 10, 2020 Demand Secure Tenure in Informal Settlements September 2, 2020 «1…1516171819…23»