Windhoek 2022: NELGA Plans Strategy Meeting to Review its Research and Technical Agenda for Africa

As a partnership of over 70 higher institutions in Africa, NELGA contributes to the implementation of the AU Agenda on land through formal training and education, research and analysis, and monitoring and evaluation of land policy to address land-related challenges that hamper Africa’s transformation agenda for inclusive growth and broad-based development.
To ensure NELGA meets its mandate, the network will hold a planning and review meeting in Windhoek, Namibia, to identify and strengthen its methodologies and actions in meeting Agenda 2063. The meeting is from September 27 – 30, 2022 and is hosted by NELGA Southern Africa Node. It is the first physical internal meeting of NELGA and its core partners since the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting will provide a platform to plan, review and re-align the program’s priorities in meeting the AU Land Agenda.
This meeting is convened by the African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) and will bring together the NELGA Nodes, ALPC and GIZ.
This meeting is convening with the objectives to:
- Review Progress of the 2021- 2022 Workplans to highlight Progress, draw Lessons and examine modalities to address challenges.
- Examine the 2022-2024 Work plans to explore potential areas of synergy and identify areas and modalities for collaboration.
- Explore opportunities arising from the ALPC Research and Technical assistance programme.
- Raise awareness of NELGA’s communication strategy and branding guides to enhance NELGA’s efforts on communication at internal and regional levels.
- Review the preliminary draft of the NELGA Strategy, Business Plan and MEF with a view-enhancing quality for finalization.
- Examine and provide feedback on the ToRs and proposed membership of the NELGA Technical Advisory Committee.